Climbing the career ladder: Marlon Deam
Marlon Deam, senior planner at DP9, talks about his experience at a local authority in Australia and working on large scale regeneration projects in London.
Why have you chosen planning?
I was attracted to planning through an interest in the built environment and the variety of avenues planning can take you down. There is a good mix between using the written word, number crunching, and good old-fashioned negotiation.
What was your first role in planning?
Working for a local authority in Adelaide, South Australia, undertaking assessment of planning applications that spanned residential, industrial, port and harbour, and ocean-front locations.
What does your current role involve?
I advise a large range of private clients on planning matters relating to development proposals, primarily in central London.
What projects are you working on now?
I am involved in a wide range of projects at DP9, from a substantial single house in Chelsea to large scale regeneration projects including Battersea Power Station. There is also a lot of policy engagement at local, regional and national levels.
How do you see your career developing?
My aim is to continue to build a robust understanding of planning matters alongside large and complex development proposals, while working in a more managerial capacity.