Indea Chawk appointed newt officer
Central Bedfordshire Council has appointed Indea Chawk as the first newt officer.
Chawk will work alongside the council’s planning and ecology teams. She will raise awareness amongst developers and planners of a new licensing scheme for newts. The role offers developers a quicker and easier way to meet their legal obligations to protect and conserve great crested newts.
Chawk said: “I will be advising planners and developers about the scheme, and making sure anyone who isn’t in the scheme is adhering to the planning and legal requirements.
She added: “It enables me to work closely with nature, making a real difference to conservation.”
Central Bedfordshire Council has been granted a district licence for great crested newts, as part of an initial regional conservation scheme that is delivered by Chawk’s employers, NatureSpace.
The new alternative newt licensing route scheme is fully supported by the government, and is scheduled to roll out nationwide over the next few years.
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