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RICS appoints Samworth as chair of new board

Written by: Prithvi Pandya
Published on: 12 Dec 2022

Martin Samworth [square]The Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) has appointed Martin Samworth to chair the new RICS board.

RICS says the new role and its board are part of the reforms made in response to the recommendations of the Bichard Review and will be accountable to the Governing Council. 

Samworth will approve and provide advice on the RICS business plan and review any proposed changes to constitutional documents including any changes to the Royal Charter which was also recommended in the review. He will collaborate with other key governance bodies.

Samworth started his real estate career at CBRE as a graduate and assistant surveyor in Investment, before qualifying as a Chartered Surveyor. 

He has experience in real estate and the built environment spanning nearly 40 years, working in the UK and in broad international roles, leading cultural change and business transformations. 

Samowrth said: “As a strong advocate for change and evolution I believe passionately that this role has the potential to make a significant difference and positive impact on both the profession and its standing in both the built environment and the wider business world.  I’m excited to have the opportunity to build our influence with stakeholders and to work with the wider industry in attracting a new and dynamic generation of young professionals.”

Image credit | RICS