The Friday Five 28.09.18
A round-up of five of the best, most interesting, significant or unusual jobs on Planner Jobs this week.
Planning officer, University of Cambridge
Within the estate management team, which is based at Greenwich House, near Churchill College and the close to the grave of Austrian-British philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. Hey, this is Cambridge.
The job:
"The University of Cambridge is looking to recruit a Planning Officer, initially for a 12 month period, to join our in-house team to provide advice on Town and Country Planning matters in relation to the planning, development and maintenance of the University's estate.
This includes advising generally on planning and related matters in respect of both the operational and non-operational estate, including properties used for teaching, research and administrative purposes, as well as land and properties held for investment purposes."
A fascinating job, helping to look after an estate looks of 345 buildings, 51 of them listed, with a total value of £2.8billion. It's a huge endeavour, with ongoing investment in new facilities across the city, not to mention involvement in new development beyond the city centre as Cambridge University strives to retain it status as a globally renowned centre of research.
Fun fact:
Aristocratic poet and notorious libertine Lord Byron was not allowed to keep his favourite dog, a Newfoundland called Boatswain, in his rooms at Trinity College Cambridge. So instead, he kept a bear. Since the college had no rules about bears in their statutes, they couldn't tell him to get rid of it. The good Lord Byron would apparently lead the bear around on a chain and he even tried to get it registered as as student.
Principal planning and development officer, environment planning, Trafford Council
10 minutes from Manchester city centre, on the street between Old Trafford cricket ground and Old Trafford football ground. It's closer to the cricket ground, though.
Trafford, by the way, is a substantial Metropolitan Borough of Greater Manchester with a population of around 235,000.
The job:
"We are looking for talented and ambitious individuals, keen to progress their careers, with the drive to make a difference and shape the future of Trafford. You will have substantial relevant experience of development management and delivering major projects through the planning system together with excellent report writing skills.
"The Service has recently undergone a major restructure to expand and strengthen the development management function in order to support unprecedented levels of developer interest in the borough."
Trafford itself is a culturally vibrant place to live and work, and a major centre of economic growth. It's home to Manchester United, Lancashire Cricket Club, Altrincham Market, the Trafford Centre, and more.
Fun fact:
Before Cardiff hosted its first Test match in July 2009, Old Trafford was reputedly the wettest Test ground in the country. Old Trafford is the only ground in England where a Test match has been abandoned without a ball being bowled—and this has happened twice – in 1890 and 1938.
Graduate/planner, Kings Lynn and West Norfolk Borough Council. In Norfolk.
Downtown King's Lynn town centre, a short walk from True's Yard Fisherfolk Museum and the banks of the Great Ouse (and just over the road from grade II listed The Lattice House pub).
The job
"Working in our Planning Control team, you will gain experience of a range of planning issues and related applications, including urban, rural and coastal planning.
"From the Fens in the south to the North Norfolk Coast AONB, there are a diversity of landscapes and rural issues in this large borough. There is also urban regeneration and the need to plan for significant growth in the towns. We need you to help balance the new growth planned for the area, with the preservation of the Borough’s unique environment and heritage."
King's Lynn and West Norfolk covers a decent chunk of Norfolk and has a population of around 150,000. King's Lynn is a historic port and market town that was as important in 14th century as Liverpool was in the 19th.
Fun fact
A heart carved on the wall of the Tuesday Market Place in King's Lynn commemorates the burning of an alleged witch, Margaret Read, in 1590. It is said that as she was burning her heart burst from her body and struck the wall.
Development management officer, Wycombe District Council
The council offices on the fringe of High Wycombe town centre close to the station, the magistrates court and the local theatre. High Wycombe itself is a large town roughly equidistant between London and Oxford.
The job
"There is a lot happening within Wycombe District. With a focus on good quality planning Wycombe offers an interesting mix of issues; regeneration, urban and rural."
A local plan submitted this year set out the "big challenge" for Wycombe - to achieve sustainable development, provide more than 13,000 homes, prepare for significant jobs growth, ensure infrastructure can carry the load and take into account he impacts of the Oxford-Cambridge 'expressway' and the expansion of Heathrow airpot.
And "all these elements – homes, jobs, infrastructure, town centres – need to
come together in a way that helps our health and wellbeing, mentally and
physically", says the plan.
Fun fact
A ceremony carried out since 1678 involves the weighing of the mayor of Wycombe. At the beginning and end of each year of service, the mayor is weighed in full view of the public to see whether or not s/he has gained weight, presumably at the taxpayers' expense. When the result is known, the town crier announces "And no more!" if the mayor has not gained weight or "And some more!" if s/he has. The mayor's actual weight is not declared, however.
Senior planning enforcement officer, Southwark Council
In historic Tooley Street (its own conservation area), just off the south bank of the Thames, behind City Hall and a a hop and skip from Tower Bridge, the Shard, London Bridge station and Borough Market
The job
"The job involves handling a complex caseload of investigations into breaches of planning control. You will need town planning experience, including previous experience handling enforcement investigations.
The successful candidate will demonstrate knowledge of enforcement practice, including an ability to use a variety of investigation techniques, good report writing skills and experience of defending decisions to enforce at appeal and possibly in court."
Being an inner London borough, this will be fascinating - and challenging. It's also a lively, colourful and interesting place to work, with more layers of history than you can shake a textbook at.
Fun fact
Being a "liberty" under the governance of the Bishop of Winchester and outside the control of the City of London, Southwark became a haven for criminals and free traders, prostitutes and disreputable entertainments. In the Elizabethan period it was the home of bear-bating, bull-baiting and theatre - Southwark is where the Rose Theatre and Shakespeare's Globe Theatre were both based.
Photos | Shutterstock, LordSarnoc (Old Trafford cricket ground), A History of the United States of America 1828 (witch burning), David Hillas (weighing of Wycombe Mayor)